Problem: Nerf has been known as a toy for little boys for a long time and it's time to make it known its for everyone and during these times we are all looking for a reason to get outside and play.
Solution: Giving Nerfers the ability to customize their blasters with a variety of vinyl skins, Launching an app utilizing Ar/Vr technology to get people together again outside and introduce gps or biodegradable darts to prompt the Nerfer to either find their darts or not have to worry about their eco footprint all let people know that its time to get their Nerf on!
The Nerfer can create an account on the app and link their bitmoji to begin their experience. Once all settled they can being a new game with their friends, start free play or if an existing game is happening the game will open to the game map.
When they playing a game they will see a map of their surrounding location with their teammates locations pinned. If the Nerfer clicks on themselves or a teammate they have the ability to see game stats. If a Nerfer see an enemy Nerfer you can pin their location on the map to plan an ambush with your teammate.
If your friends arnt around for a game with your blasters you can take a break with free play. You can pick a blaster (unlocking more as you level up) and utilizing Ar/Vr technology Nerfers can run around the world on your phone aiming at targets placed around your town. If you're up to it you even have the ability to turn yourself into a target for other Nerfers to practice or try their aim at flirting with the cupids bow!
Now go out and get your Nerf on!